Solana is a decentralized application of the platform (DAP) Open Source that unuss test POW (POS) consent and a new course-Complete program of language. One of the Key characterists of Solana is an ability to store the program. However, extracting thees and converting it into a demant can be demand.
The problem:
When performing a Solana program on Mainnet, it is the state of the program in a binary file. To access thees data, you need to read the binary and extract the relevant information. Unfortunately, Solana does not provide integrateed functions or bees to it.
Solution: Using the Solana-Program
Fortunately, one is an Open Source library called Solana-Program
without the interaction of Solana programs. This library allows you to Read and writ the program in a compressed basic coded format.
Here is an example of house can it library to extract the amount of the transaction from the Solana program:
Install addictions
Before starting, be still install
Pip install the Solana program
Example code:
From Solana.program import entry_point, program_id
@entry_point ("Get_acCount")
Def Get_ACCoount (program_id, account_index):
Upload the program
With Open (F "{Program_id}/Data", "RB") as F:
Program_data = F.Read ( )
decoded_data = Solana_program.Decode_base64 (Program_data)
Extract the amount of the transaction (assuming it is in the past by year)
Transaction_amunt = decoded_data [-1]
Return Transaction_amunt
Perform the registration point wen a new account is created or updated
entry_point ("Main", Get_ACCoount)
How it are things:
- These repress the program ID and the current account index.
- Suppose that transaction amount is archived in In this case, we extract it using
decodeed_data [-1]
- Finally, we return the amount of the extracted transaction.
- Make to adjust the values
is’ Account_index` according to Solan’s configition.
- This example takes on a simple program that stories the amount of the transaction in Depending on the specification of the case, it may be necessary to change this approach.
- Keep in mind that iis a simplified example and youshoud the additional errors and the security of the management measures wth wth wth sensitive.
By following theese, it is possible to correctly extract the amount of the transaction from the Solana Program.