Here is a step-by-step guide to help you identify and resolve the issue:
Understanding the issue
The issue is that the Unity iOS build process crashes when trying to load MetaMask, which requires a specific installation. The crash occurs on startup due to an invalid script.
Troubleshooting steps
- Check Bitcode Settings: Make sure that the “Bitcode – Disabled” setting in Unity settings is not enabled. This may prevent the compiler from generating the necessary metadata for the iOS build.
- Check Scriptable Backend: Switch back to IL2CPP, which is recommended for iOS development. However, if you want to stay with IL2CPP, make sure it is configured correctly and is not causing any issues.
- Check Code Generation Settings
: Check the “Code Generation – Faster Smaller Builds” setting in Unity settings. This may be incorrectly optimized for your project, resulting in crashes when trying to load MetaMask.
Further Investigation
- Check Xcode Logs: Run the following command in Xcode to check the logs:
xcrun lldb
This will show a detailed log of any errors that occurred during the build process.
- Check for other errors: Check the Xcode logs and make sure there are no other errors or warnings related to MetaMask or the iOS build configuration.
Possible Solutions
- Disable Bitcode: Try disabling the Bitcode – Disabled setting in Unity preferences until you can resolve the issue.
- Try IL2CPP: Switch back to IL2CPP as per Unity’s instructions. If this resolves the issue, you may need to investigate why it is not working properly.
- Optimize Code Generation: Check the “Code Generation – Faster Smaller Builds” settings and optimize them if necessary.
- Reinstall MetaMask: Try reinstalling MetaMask using a different method (e.g., copy and paste the code into the Wallet app) and see if the issue persists.
Additional Tips
- Use Unity Hub: If you are having issues with your current installation, consider upgrading to Unity 2022.2 or later.
- Check for Updates: To avoid compatibility issues, make sure all dependencies are up to date.
- Report Issues: Share your issue on the Unity Community Forums so others can help resolve it.
The crash can be caused by a combination of factors, and resolving it requires careful examination of Unity settings, Xcode logs, and code generation options. By following these steps, you should be able to identify and potentially resolve the issue with MetaMask settings on iOS. Good luck!