Metamask: Listening for metamask events with ethers in angular app

Listening for Metamask Events with Ethers in Angular App

Accounts through Metamask, it is essential to stay informed about the events that occur within the context of your ethereum-based services. In this article,

What are Metamask Events?

Metamask events are notifications that can be sent or received from the metamask platform, indicating various state changes on your Ethereum account. These events can include things like:

Setting Up Ethers Provider and Signer

, You’ll first need to get an ether provider instance. This will allow you to interact with the metamask api and send and receive events.


import {component, oninit} from ‘@angular/core’;

Import * as Ethers from ‘Ethers’;

@Component ({

Selector: ‘App-Example’,

Template: ‘

Example Component.


Export Class Examplecomponent Implements Oninit {

myprovider: ethers.providers.provider;

Constructor () {}

ngoninit (): void {

This.MyProvider = new ethers.providers.web3provider (window.ethereum);




In the above code, we’re creating a web3 provider instance using the ethers package. You

Listening for Events



Import {Subscription} from ‘rxjs’;

Const Subscription: Subscription = This.miprovider.eventsubscriptions.Subscribe ((event) => {

console.log (event received: $ {});



In the above code, we’re creating a subscription that listens for events. We can event by passing by

Angular Service

, You can create a service.


import {injectable} from ‘@angular/core’;

import {eventsubscription} from ‘./event-subscription’;

@Injectable ({

Providedin: ‘Root’


Export Class MetamaskService {

Private Subscription: Subscription;

Constructor () {}

Connectaccount (Account: String): Void {

this.subscription = this.miprovider.eventsubscriptions.subscribe ((event) => {

console.log (event received: $ {});


// Disconnect When Account is closed

window.ethereum.ondisconnect (() => {

this.subscription.unsubscribe ();





MetamaskServiceClass that manages subscriptions and listens for events. .

Putting It All Together

, You'll need to:



Here's an updated example that demonstrates how to use these concepts:


import {component, oninit} from ‘@angular/core’;

Import * as Ethers from ‘Ethers’;

@Component ({

Selector: ‘App-Example’,

Template: ‘

Example Component.


Export Class Examplecomponent Implements Oninit {

myprovider: ethers.providers.web3provider;

subscription: subscription;

Constructor () {}

ngoninit (): void {

This.MyProvider = New Ethers.providers.web3Provider (window.

ethereum signing using

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