Ethereum: Understand Bitcoin title versions
One of the most important concepts of cryptocurrency transactions is the name format used by Ethereum and its competitors. In this article, we go into the version of the Bitcoin name, including the usual version of the address and the test network addresses.
The usual address version
Bitcoin’s primary name format is 34 -a character string that starts with “M”. This format is commonly called “normal” or “standard” Bitcoin. The first hero “M” indicates that the transaction is a new address (0) or existing (1). Developers and users can use this information to determine whether a particular address is new or is already in use.
For example, if you have a normal Bitcoin address: M1 ...
This means it’s a new address. In contrast, if the first hero was “m2”, it denotes the existing name.
Test Network Addresses
When testing Ethereum or other blockchain, developers often form test names to model real transactions. These test names usually start with “MT” instead of “mm”. This format is characterized by the test network environment and can be used for similar purposes as ordinary Bitcoin names, but with a slight difference.
Main differences between conventional and test network names
While both conventional and test network names observe the same 34 -character format, there are some main differences:
- Normal names always start with “M”, while the test network names start with “MT”.
- The first character of the usual name can always be “1” (new), while the test network names can be “0” or “1”.
- TestNet names usually use a prefix, such as “MT” to distinguish them from the usual Bitcoin transactions.
In summary, understanding of the versions of the divertbitcoin titles is essential for collaboration with Ethereum and other blockchain platforms. Recognizing whether the name begins with “M” (normal) or “MT” (TestNet), the developers can accurately determine new names against the existing ones. This knowledge promotes test titles to model real transactions with the test network.
If you have any questions or need additional clarification, feel free to ask!