Ethereum: Sending bitcoins programatically without running a node [duplicate]

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Ethereum: Sending Bitcoins Programptically without running a node

The Ethereum network became an increase in blockchain ethying for various purposes. One

The problem of performing a complete knot

The execution of a complete Ethereum node requires significant computational resources, memory and bandwidth. This means that it requires that the Ethereum network

Submitting Bitcoins Programmingly without running a node

Fortunately, there is a solution available that allows developers to send Bitcoins programming without performing a complete Ethereum node on your server. This method uses the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) and smart contracts to activate bitcoin transactions without requiring no grade to run on the customer’s server.

How it works

The process involves creating an intelligent contract that defines a function to send progressively bitcoins, the smart contract will validate the sender’s address, recipient’s address and the amount of bitcoin being sent before proceeding with the transaction.

Bitcoin transaction contract:


Pragma solidity ^0.6,0;

SimpleBitcointransaction contract {

Address the public owner;

Address the public sender;

Approach the public recipient;

Builder (Address _owner, Address _NERDER, Address _RECIPIENT) PUBLIC {

Owner = _owner;

Sanction = _Genero;

receiver = _Recipient;


SENDBTC Function (UINT256) Public Returns (Success of Bool, Bool Fromowner, Bool Torecipient, Uint256 AmoutSent) {

Requires (quantity> 0);

// Validate sender and recipient addresses

Requires (Sender! = 0x0 && Sender! = Address (0x0));

// Validar Amoustts

Requires (quantity> = 1);

// Create and transfer contract

TransferContract = new transfercontract contract (owner, sender, recipient);

Contrast.Transphemount (AmourtSent);

Return (True, owner, torsion, amantssent);



third party support

Unfortunately, there are no third party services that allow developers to send bitcoins programming without performing a complete Ethereum node on their server. However, some online

Some examples include:

* coinbase



: Ledger Live is an on -line platform that allows users to send bitcoins programming without running a complete Ethereum node. However, they charge a fee for each translation.


Running and intelligent contract and the EVM. Although there are third party services available, they require a complete Ethereum node on their transaction validation server. Developers can explore platforms or apis on -line that provide access to Bitcoin transactions or create their own smart contracts.

Bitcoin programs progress and knot!


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