Ethereum: Import private key to coinbase?

Importing Private Keys from Bitcoin-QT to Coinbase

When switching from Bitcoin-Qt (BTQ) to your Coinbase wallet, you may encounter issues importing your existing private keys. Although BTQ allows you to export private keys via the command line interface or by using the --export option when creating a new wallet, the process can be cumbersome and error-prone.

Method 1: Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

You can use the BTQ CLI to export your private key. Here’s how:

btq --help

btq --export --private-key-file ~/.bitcoin.btqkey

Method 2: Using the BTQ Web Interface

Alternatively, you can use the Coinbase Wallet web interface to export your private key.

Method 3: Using the Coinbase CLI

You can also use the Coinbase CLI to import your BTQ private key.

curl -o /usr/local/bin/

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

btq --help

btq --import --private-key-file ~/.bitcoin.btqkey


While the process of importing a private key from BTQ to Coinbase may seem complicated, these methods should help you resolve any issues with your existing wallet. Be sure to test each method thoroughly before proceeding with the switch.

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