Ethereum: How to get all addresses – including the “change” addresses – from bitcoind?

Get All Ethereum Addresses, Including Change Addresses, Using Bitcoind

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that allows users to create, deploy, and manage smart contracts and dApps. One of Ethereum’s key features is the concept of “addresses,” which are unique identifiers for each user or contract on the network. However, getting all addresses, including auto-generated change addresses, from Bitcoind can be a bit tricky.

In this article, we will explore the possible solutions to get all Ethereum addresses, including change addresses, from a running Bitcoind node.

What are change addresses?

Change addresses are automatically generated by the Ethereum network when you receive new Ether (ETH) or other tokens. They are used to send funds to your wallet after receiving a transaction on the mainnet. However, not all users have auto-generated change addresses, and some may need to set up these addresses manually.

Why can’t we just use getaddressesbyaccount?

The getaddressesbyaccount command is used to get Ethereum accounts by their public address or account hash. While it can be useful for getting a specific list of addresses, it does not provide access to change addresses.

Solution 1: Using the eth_getTransactionCount command with gettransactions

One possible solution is to use the eth_getTransactionCount command with the gettransactions option to get all Ethereum transactions on the network. From these transactions, you can extract the account information and get the automatically generated change addresses.

Here’s an example of how you can do this using the -o option to output the transaction details in a human-readable format:

bitcoind -server -url --password mypass -port 8332 \

-gettransactioncount -o transaction.json \

--gettransactions --outputformat=json | jq '.transactions[] | .address + "\n" + .value'

This will output a JSON file containing the transaction details, including the account address and account value. You can then parse this data to extract the automatically generated exchange addresses.

Solution 2: Using eth_getTransactionReceipt with getrawtransaction

Another solution is to use the eth_getTransactionReceipt command with the getrawtransaction option to get the transaction details, including the account information and change addresses. This approach requires more data but provides a more detailed view of the transaction flow.

Here is an example of how you can do this using the -o option to output the transaction details in a human-readable format:

bitcoind -server -url --password mypass -port 8332 \

-gettransactionreceipts -o transactions.json \

--outputformat=json | jq '.transactions[] | .address + "\n" + .value'

This will output a JSON file containing the transaction details, including the account address and account value. You can then parse this data to extract the automatically generated exchange addresses.

Solution 3: Using a script

A more automated solution is to write a script that extracts the Ethereum accounts from Bitcoind data using Python or another scripting language. Here is an example of a simple script that uses the eth_getTransactionReceipt and getrawtransaction commands:


import subprocess

def get_ethereum_addresses(bitcoind_url, password):

output =[

f”{bitcoind_url} -server -password {password} -port 8332″,


“-o transaction.json”,


], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

with open(“transactions.json”, “r”) as f:

transactions = json.

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