Ethereum: How does OP_RETURN burn coins?

Unscale truth about Ethereum OP Return: Understanding how it burns coins

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, it is probably an unfamiliar Ethereum Blockchain confusion. However, under the surface is a complex system that ensures the integrity and security of the network. One of these properties is the op-ambition (also known as OPP), a mechanism that burns coins when they are not transmitted, leaving a series of small operations records.

OP Return in Action

When the user tries to spend the OP refund address without sufficient funds, the Ethereum network automatically turns an OP return to a new account. This process is called “burning” or “return return”. Operations’ resulting exits are broadcast to the network, marking the end of the OP return.

How does it work?

To understand how it works, we dive into the mechanics of OP:




Why is it not transferred?

The OP refund addresses are designed to burn because they contain impossible information about the consumer’s wallet balance. When the optalization of the op-without sufficient funds, the output of the resulting operation reveals the amount of burnt ETH (or “burned”).

The reason for this revelation is how OPPs apply to work:

Why can’t I use bytes before refund?

You may be wondering why you cannot use bytes before the op to op to make the data on Blockchain. The answer lies in how OPP addresses the job:

By using bytes before the OP refund address would be unsafe as it would allow the attacker to provide the seed sequence used for that particular address. This can lead to illegal access to the unprofitable information about the consumer’s wallet balance.


The Ethereum return mechanism provides a valuable layer of network security and integrity to ensure that the burned coins are removed from Blockchain. By understanding how OPP works, you can evaluate the complexity and sophistication of Ethereum design. Although at first glance it may seem ugly, the opinion plays a vital role in supporting the Ethereum ecosystem confidence and security.

As a creator or enthusiast, it is necessary to understand OPP confusion to create safe and reliable programs in this innovative technology.

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