Ethereum: Format of mkey field in encrypted wallet.dat file

Ethereum Wallet.dat File Format: Inspecting the Key Field

When analyzing large files for encrypted wallet.dat files, it is essential to understand the format of the key field in these files. This is crucial for recovering private keys from victims’ wallets.

In this article, we will dive into the Ethereum wallet.dat file format and will focus specifically on the structure of the “mkey” field.

Ethereum Wallet.dat File Format Overview

The Ethereum wallet.dat file format is a binary format used to store encrypted wallet data. The file consists of three main sections:

The mkey Field

In the mkey field, we will focus specifically on the structure and content of this field.

Block Header Format

Before diving into the mkey field, let’s take a look at the block header format:


Version (4 bytes)

Flags (4 bytes)

Block Number (8 bytes)

The block number is stored as a 64-bit unsigned integer in big-endian byte order.

Index Block Format

In the index block section, we find the following fields:

The mkey field is located in the index block section. It is a 256-bit word, which is a 32-byte unsigned integer.

mkey Field Format

The mkey field consists of two fields:

Here is an example of what the mkey field might look like:

Index block 1:

mkey: 0x12345678 0x90123456 // Version, Hash

Reconstructing the mkey field

To reconstruct the original key, we can extract the Version and Hash fields from each mkey field. Since there are multiple mkey fields in a single index block, we need to combine them.

Assuming two consecutive blocks with identical mkey structure, we can represent the reconstructed key as follows:

Reconstructed Key:

Version: 0x12345678

Hash: 0x90123456 0x87654321


In conclusion, understanding the format of the mkey field in Ethereum wallet.dat files is essential to recover the private keys of the victims’ wallets. By analyzing the block header and block index sections, we can reconstruct the original key using the extracted Version and Hash fields.

When writing a C++ application to scan large files for encrypted wallet.dat files, make sure to carefully parse each mkey field in individual blocks to accurately recover the private keys.

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