Ethereum: Default values of bytes1 to bytes32?

By default bytes in Solidarity: understanding of the basics

As for the definition of variables in reliability, one of the most common questions that they face the beginning concerns the default values ​​for -by -by -by -by -by -by -By -default. In this article, we will deepen the default concept and the way they are used to bytes in reliability.

What are the default values?

In programming, the default value is a value that variable or function can be absorbed without a clear statement when it is declared for the first time. It is like a default setting for a variable similar to the one we use in languages ​​such as JavaScript or C#to determine the original variable value.

Data type in solidity

In Solidarity, the type of data is used to present a binary data block. It is an unsigned 32-bit integer, which can accommodate any value from 0 to 4294967295. As for the value of the default farewell in reliability, we are talking about the original value that this variable will be assigned when it is first declared.

Understanding the default bytes

According to Solism documentation ([ freed ( #default Value))), The default values ​​are determined by bytes of keywords and then data type in parentheses. For example, to define a variable with an initial value of 0x1234, you will use:


Var Mybytes: bytes = 0x1234;

In this case, the default value “mybyte” is 0x1234.

Example use

Let’s look, for example, to illustrate how the default values ​​are goodbye to solidarity. Let’s assume that we want to create a simple contract that stores and transfers data using bytes:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Contract data storage {

Public bytes Mybytes = 0x1234; // the default value is 0x1234

Transferdata function (SRC's bytes) {

// You can use the default value here or if necessary update it manually.

Mybytes = bytes (SRC);



In this example, Mybytes has the initial default value 0x1234. We can update its value using the Transferdat function.


The default farewell values ​​in Solidarity are an important concept that should be understood when working with language data types. By determining the default values ​​for variables, you can make sure that contracts and functions are kept as expected, even if they are not clearly declared. In this article, we gave examples of using the default bytes in reliability, including a simple example of a contract.

By mastering the default values ​​of bytes, you will be able to write a more efficient and legible reliability code, making it easier to build scales and maintain intelligent contracts.

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