Ethereum: Binance websocket stream over a proxy problem

Ethereum: Binance Websocket Stream through server problem

As the creator of Ethereum, you are probably not an alien to the meaning of reliable and high performance data channels. However, when it comes to downloading data from popular cryptocurrency exchange, such as Binance, things can make it difficult.

One of the usual problems with which the users are struggling is the wrong error message, especially websocket._Extcept. In this article, we dive into why you see this mistake and give you possible solutions to solve the problem.

What happens backstage

When using an intermediate server to download data from Binance, this can cause problems with Websocket connections. That’s what happens:



Problem with Websocket._Exceptions

Part of the _excepttes error message means the fact that Websocket Connections use a separate Websockets protocol (JSON-RPC). This allows a more complex and asynchronous data exchange between customers and servers. However, the use of intermediate servers results in parts of this complexity, which causes errors such as “Websocket._Expices”.

Solving a problem

You can try the following activities to solve the problem:



Additional tips

By performing these steps and solving problems, you should be able to solve the problem by receiving the Websocket._Exeptments by downloading the Websocket Binance stream using a commissioner server.

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