Bitcoin Corc Command: Creates a block with coins baking address
Bitcoin COR (BTC) CORE provides a resty API for interaction with the Block. One useful feature is the ability to generate a block using the input address and other parameters. In this article we will explore two separate commands to help build a root of a block and its murkel on the basis of your address.
command 1: Generate the Block Body
The Bitcoin-CLI ‘Command line used by the Bitcoin Core knot allows you to generate a new block using a gift shrine. To determine the input address, -laz need a flag. Here is how you can use this command:
Bitcoin -Cili Generation - 1m9Bteevzkv6w9f9f3pn7j9N8W113J911TF -m 2
1m9bteevzkv6w9qu9qu9qu9qu9qu@3pn7j9 pzdjc13pn7jc13pn7j9 pzdf1tf ‘1m9bteevzkskv6w9pn8j9 pzdf1tf’ 1m9bteevzkw6w9k13pn8j9 pzdjc11tfසමඟ මෙය නව බ්ලොක් එකක් ජනනය කරනු ඇත.
command 2: Generate Merkel Root
Podkond-CLI tool allows you to generate a block molder with specific access address. Here you have used this command to you How to
Bitcoin-cheetblocktendyly --laz 1m9bteevzkv6w91djc111dj91djc11tf
This will generate a block template with the above login address, and then you can use other commands to create a real block.
Coin checks on the new block
The 'Bitcoin-Cley' tool will generate a block, including your input address, you can use the following command:
Bitcoin-Sele Geraction - L
This will ask the blocchane for a transaction with the specified gate address. The Bitcoine-CLI tool should be provided, including Merkel's root.
For example, the case
Your input address1m9Btevzkv6w9pqu You can use the following commands:
Generate a block body
Bitcoin -Cili Generation - 1m9Bteevzkv6w9f9f3pn7j9N8W113J911TF -m 2
Get a block mold with
Murkel Root
Bitcoin-cheetblocktendyly --m 2 -uzla 1m9bteev6w9f9f3p3pn7j9f9f9fdf> block_template.json.jong
Generate a transaction for a new block
Bitcoin-cyndrawtransation -txn -address 1m9bteevzkv6w9f9pn7j9f3pn7j9f3pn7jC11djc11djc11djc11dJC11DJC11DJCKFut
This will create a new transaction with the root of the login address and the root of the Merkel, which can be used to make a new block.