Bitcoin: I found an incorrect translation in Bitcoin Core, how can I suggest a fix?

Suggesting Repair: Repairing a Translation Error in the Bitcoin Core

Bitcoin Core

USES A Column with a Column with a Column with a “” “” Unfortunately, this label is wrong because it means that age is natural age, while

This error can lead to confusion “” 2 “

To suck a repair, we must correct this translation error and replace it more detailed. Thus:


The right label should be “” (French “age”) without extra context. This ensures that users understand that age does not have a natural age and can make the necessary calculations to determine their age.

Suggested Code Changes

Bitcoin: I found an incorrect translation in Bitcoin Core, how can I suggest a fix?

The French Translation File in the Bitcoin Core. Here is an example of how the code can show:


// Reverse "Age" Âge "

Static Const Char *Translates ["Peer Review"] ["Age"] = "Âge";

// Update and Peer tab label

Static Const Int Pertabfields [] = {

/* ... Other Fields ...

0: Turn ["Peer"] ["Age"], //


The “age” of the right meaning and that bitcoin’s dedication software is accurate in presenting the network’s peers.


Correcting a translation error in the french version of Bitcoin core is a relatively simple process. The relevant code and markings on the peer tab,

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